At Lane of Roses, we believe that when you have an accurate view of who God is, then you can begin to have an accurate view of who God made YOU to be. That's why we came up with the weekly Identity Check!
We want to encourage you to take some time each week with God to reflect on your true identity. Identity leads to purpose. When you are confident your identity is in Christ, you will begin to live out of the overflow of that Godly confidence. You will live out your God-given purpose.
Join us in contemplating these important questions each week to remind yourself you were made on purpose and for a purpose.
Who is God?
Who am I?
And how do these two truths change the way I live my life?
Choose a verse or short passage of scripture, study it, and in light of what it says answer the three questions above. Then take time to pray and listen, asking God what He has for you. It's okay to struggle sometimes, but there’s good news! You don’t have to earn a secure identity. All you have to do is receive it! So, will you join us?
Want our free Identity Check template to download and use at home? Check out all of our downloadable resources in Lane of Roses University!