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Through this 2-week devotional you will be reminded, or even discover for the first time, that God is over all, in all, and working through all of us if we allow Him.


We were never meant to carry heavy burdens. When Jesus came down to dwell among us, He told us that He was the way, the truth, and the life and that the only way to the Father was now through Him (John 14:6-7).


When He died for us on the cross, we no longer had to go to great lengths to be in the presence of God because our sins were now completely paid for. The burden we had to bear for so long was now taken off of our shoulders and placed on the One who had the ability to free us all.


We did nothing to deserve this but God was so kind that He sent His one and only Son to die for us (John 3:16). 

He Carries It All Devotion

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